An individualized credit card strategy can make all the difference in your out of pocket travel costs. Check out some of these recent wins for my Destination Points clients!
- Coached two clients through obtaining the Southwest Companion Pass by opening two cards at strategic times, earning their families a free additional flight to every booking for two full years
- Coached opening strategic cards to offer elite hotel status resulting in room upgrades, free breakfast for an entire stay, one free night and 4 points bookings in French Polynesia
- Coached a Player 2 referral to cover the points cost of a round trip flight to London
- Coached card openings and referrals resulting in 7 award flights and 27 hotel nights all on points for an epic family vacation
- Alerted clients to hotel devaluations, maximizing points usage before deadlines and increased costs on future travel, resulting in 50,000 in saved points
- Coached several clients through how to run award searches, understanding airline alliances and hotel brand loyalty programs, as well as assisted in booking saver award space on several airlines
- Coached clients on obtaining Global Entry, Lounge access entry and TSA Precheck benefits based on strategic card openings
- Successfully monitored and rebooked travel resulting in 40% points returned to the purchaser
- Successfully filed travel insurance claims offered by strategically used credit cards on bookings